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Geek's Guide to Publishing a Book Part 11...


All good things must come to an end, and so to this missive on publishing a book.


  1. Determine your audience.
  2. Determine a publishing model.
  3. Create a marketing plan.
  4. Write a darn fine manuscript.
  5. If you plan to traditionally publish then find an agent and or publisher.
  6. If you plan to vanity publish then research, research, research before signing anything (this also means you probably want to get a lawyer.)
  7. If  plan to self-publish then create a business plan that outlines who does what. Once you have a business plan, then create a financial plan. Be realistic! It is a business and you can seriously lose your shirt!
  8. If you plan to use or blurb,com, then make sure that you have completely and thoroughly edited and corrected the manuscript. People really dislike typos and grammatical errors.
  9. Remember: you have a marketing plan, so follow it.
  10. There are no guarantees. The best you can do is maximize your chance of success, not guarantee it.

Good luck and I wish you the very best.

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